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MICHAEL & MAC Institute of Holistic Therapy

Acupuncture medicine occurred in an ancient period in China. It was brought over to Japan around AD750.The oriental medicine had been developed and used by every doctor those days.
Until the 2nd World War terminated, the oriental medicine had long ruled the medicare of our country.
Today acupuncture medicine has been more popular overseas than here in Japan. And this medicine is recognized as important as western medicine outside Japan.
We use chinese herb midicine when needed, we reccomend
doctor to treat our medicine.

If you live apart from your oriental medicice doctor in your country, don't be discouraged.
You can have an equal or some better satisfaction when you experience Michael's oriental medicine.
Please don't hesitate to see Dr.Michael even if you feel only a little disorder in lower back, shoulder, knee, neck.,sciantic neuralgia.
We present you the best acupuncture treatment whenever and wherever .you may be.
Even single time of treatment surely promises you to feel much better.
Michael & Mac established in 1999, and has had over 150 patients totally a month.
We have shared joy of satisfaction with numerous patients.
Our oriental medicine is done with needles and moxibution with alomost pain-free .
It takaes 80minutes to complete treatment except when an extraordinary cases.
The fee costs 6,300yen, required to pay extra 'first time payment' 2,100yen when you have our acupuncture medicine only for the first time.
Don't worry if you can use your language while treatmet, Dr.Michael once did an English teacher at a private school.
The condition soothes not in just the very point but in whole your body,You will get well holistically, and totally.
We have many clients without any particular disorders, and they make it a rule to come to regulate the symptoms accompanied with works specialized, or sequence time of jobs, sitting up at night.
Taking drugs long time gradually
lose abilities of self-controling system in our body, as you can find countress sideeffects on drugs' bottles.
Drugs can change only the surface of desaeses, being unable to change the basic factors.
Acupuncture medicine and chinese herb medicine can make it possible to change the sourses of deseases so naturaly and gradually..  Having Michael's regular medical treatment promises you to energize your body and boost optimul wellness whatever will happen.


・For reservation first time please dial
047-336-0763 and book right now.

・For FAQ on wellness, symptoms in disorder, diseases, please send me by Email.

・In case you want to know the access way in detail, contact HP’s access.

・Click here when you want to know how long it will take, and which transportation you may use in best connvenient. at the most easily accesible.


・We kindly answer to your inquiry on your healthy condition or urdent change of your body condition over the telephone whenever it may be. We are very sorry for not answering to person who has no experiences of Michaael's consultation before.

・Michael is not a licenced medical doctor but a licenced practitioner, so doesn't process any medicines. We kindly reccomend a proffesional doctor and have him write a prescription for you. We write you a letter of introduction to the doctor when you need to take chinese herb medicine.

・You are requested to pay again "first time payment fee" with your acupuncture fee, in case you have a long period, over a year,of absence

・A sudden cancelation never be accepted. Cancelation without a certain reason or on the day won't be allowed. We charge you an account equivalent to treatment fee.

・We pay an insurance against an accidental acupuncutural affairs so that we prevent any incapability of refund.

・We are sorry for giving you an inconvenient during we have an extra day-offs on new year, for summer vacation, on after Christmas holidays

Success stories.

We have 17actual success stories in the last year. The rate of fertility goes up to nearly 58% .

hipgout pain
numbness of facial nurves
lower back pain
heart attack numbness of semihalf neurogenia
pregnant managing body conditions
mental deseases
knee pain sciatica chrronic conddition
migraine headache  asthma mensttrual syndrome tiredness muscular stiffness spasm
recovery from injuries stress insomnia pain from arthritis constipation irritability depression


SINCE 2011.10.10 Copyright(C)Michael&Mac. All Rights Reserved.